Icecream & Sand


It should go without saying, but spending the day on a beach with a bunch of creatives in beautiful sunshine is a great gig. Today I was shooting The Bright Black for their latest promo. 

It was early on a Saturday morning and I was driving to Crosby Beach near Liverpool to get set up before the crowds arrived. The forecast was baking-hot sunshine and it didn't disappoint, which meant we had the challenge of the public to contend with alongside shooting in bright light, hot temperatures and my old friend, sand. 


I'd pulled together a great crew consisting of Tanya on MUA, Georgie as a BTS shooter and Alice as an extra model we needed for one of the scenes. Once we threw coffee down our throats, we set off shooting on the beach, finding the angles and scenes we were after, progressing through sets and outfits along with multiple icecream purchases. 

Our final set finished in the mud of the distant shoreline, dying for those shots in the sea we'd talked about we set off down the beach through thick mud in our hunt for the water. How my kid hasn't ended up in water or mud at this point is beyond me. 

Go listen to The Bright Black guys on their Soundcloud account. 


The Crew

Make-Up Artist: Tanya
BTS Photographer: Georgie
Model: Alice 


Peaks & Leaves


Sarah Catherine